
Lisandro and I had a very adventurous day, which included a serious search for Chick-Fil-A, backing into a car at the bank's parking lot, waiting in a wasteland for our friend's car that was towed, looking for my dream bass guitar, and then picture taking. Had such a good time! We seriously did everything (and ATE everything) our hearts desired. Now we are just laying back watching Cake Boss, hehe. Have a goodnight world//


Giving RED a chance

(Red/Blue Printed Blazer - Vintage)

Just picked this up minutes ago at Buffalo Exchange. I always do better going in there with a mission and I did this time- Red Piece! Ended up finding some hot red tights and this little number. I thought it would be too matchy-matchy if I wore them together.

I will be carving pumpkins with my ladies tonight and of course have some cocktails going. Hopefully I can get some pictures! My idea for my pumpkin is really cute AS LONG AS I get it as clean and perfect looking as I can. Haha. BYE//

P.S. I cannot get my pictures in the right order haha. For some reason it is super confusing to me. Whatever//


Back in the day photo. Just flipping through my photobucket that I've had since I was probably 15 or 16. (I swear I'm developing Insomnia).

I was nuts in high school! But somethings I wish I never gave up. For example, I taught myself how to customize Myspace with HTML. I got crazy into it and knew all about templates. But as I started this blog, it was all new to me again and so damn frustrating haha.

Also, I think I was a lot more risky with my style back then. I wore neon green and pink eyeshadow, white cowboy boots and striped everything, ripped jeans, shirts, etc. I did everything possible to my hair- from short and spiky, to mullets and extensions, and went from red to blonde to purple.

Surely though, I like where I'm going now with my looks but I do kind of want to embrace my past and sort of bring bits of it back into what I am today. We'll see how I accomplish that ha//

$70 dollars for leggings plus $10 for shipping- too much? Not if they are super DUPER awesome AND are from Black Milk Clothing. We'll see//


(Or gifted, eh?)

Jeffrey Campbell 60's inspired boots. I love the wedge and length of the boot. Out of MY price range but maybe one//day!


Took some pictures while Lisandro and I had some tacos and Hecho en Mexico Cocoa Cola. They both were delicious. Here are some outfit pictures with my beloved city in the background (it's prettier in person!). The mural is from an artist that goes by "Mac" and it is absolutely flawless for being done with spray paint.

The Day of the Dead tile in my mix of photos was a gift from my mother and father from Sante Fe, New Mexico (thank you!). It is so beautiful but I haven't found a place in my apartment to hang it yet. Speaking of Day of the Dead (Dia De Los Muertos), I am thinking of being a very glamorous and over the top Sugar Skull character for Halloween ;). I just want big flowers in my hair and a flowy fancy Mexican style dress! We'll see.

Well it is Tuesday, so I will be at Streets of London Pub for my two favorite Djs- Andy and Rachel<3



I want a red piece! Just one because I'm not a HUGE fan of red.

(Reblogged image of Si Moda)


Halloween Costume?

What To//Be, what To//Be?!

My first idea was to be Peggy Bundy from the American sitcom 'Married with Children'. Something about her teased red hair, love for leopard print apparel, and skin tight shiny leggings that got me into it. But after looking through some Google Images of the character (and others' attempts to pull the housewife's look off) I decided...it's not challenging enough!! I want a challenge! I want to be something completely unique, artistic and have fashion influences involved. Haven't put my finger on that character quite yet but so far Harajuku girl or some Tokyo Fashion influenced character has made the list as a maybe. They just do everything to the EXTREME and that's what I want to do this year ;) PLUS, it's my birthday on Halloween, I have to have a GREAT costume. Till//Next Time!

Autolux performing "Headless Sky" Live. Visit their Myspace for the recorded version of this amazing song!


Another night at the Project Runway Party at The Beauty Bar. Only saw a glimpse of Contestant Gretchen but man she is tall! Mondo Guerra, the Denver contestant, didn't stay very long either but looked adorable as always (well being fed pizza haha). Here are some shots I took of my friends and I- they are all so beautiful. Excited for next Thursday's party if I can make it.

Beginning to understand my Canon! //


Shoes are N.Y.L.A! I've been wanting the Jeffery Campbell Lita shoes BUT they were too pricey so I was lucky to find these babies who still have the wood heel and leather finish.

How do you like my banner? Lisandro and I made it today! It came out really great! I'm still trying things out with my new camera and this blog but things are working out! Good//night!

In experimenting mode with my new SLR Camera AND my blog! Things will progress in time ;) //Bye


Completely and TRULY honored to have met Mondo Guerra Thursday night @ The Beauty Bar for the Project Runway party! Had such a good time! It was also a treat to have met Michael C. as well!

In case you were wondering I did end up getting my camera. I just went with the Canon Rebel SLR and I love it. I just need to experiment with it a little bit more. I took plenty of pictures tonight when I went to Fort Collins, CO to visit my friend but I am WAY too tired to post them yet (Fort Collins is a loooong one hour drive haha). Full of happiness and nervousness at this point! Good//night!


So here I am, 7:47a, awake, listening to The XX, and reading my favorite blogs. I must be crazy! I even had a few drinks last night so I AM crazy! I had such a good time last night though, speaking of it. Mondo Guerra and Michael C., contestants of Project Runway Season 8, hosted a party at The Beauty Bar. I was privileged enough to meet the two designers and attempt to dance with both of them haha (didn't happen). For such an emotional episode I was very lucky to be surrounded by Mondo fans AND himself. The support for him in Denver is PHENOMENAL (I even met his Aunt who had a fantastic Team Mondo shirt on and claimed she was the eldest person at the Bar hehe).

Due to this inspiring night, I think I am just excited for life. I've made the decision to go forth and purchase a professional digital camera today!!!! I hope this bizarre decision I'm making this early in the morning doesn't indicate that I'm still drunk haha. I think though that life should be something documented and I want my life to be documented in crisp BEAUTIFUL images. It'll be fun! Have to go, my laptop is dying and my charger is in the other room (where Lisandro's friends are sleeping pfft haha). Good//Day!