And it's rare when I'm absolutely satisfied and/or content about something. So...right now I am dreaming up a new BLOG.
Throughout the past year I've started to understand who I am, what I like, and develop some real great passions and hobbies. Believe it or not, having a blog that you don't really advertise and don't have many (or any) followers actually can help you really discover who you are. Well, it's worked for me who, honestly, seems to have been on PAUSE for about 3 years not knowing what I wanted and too scared to make any sort of change to my daily routine.
But, moving forward, something in me is calling for that NEW BEGINNING. It might be because I start my photography class tomorrow and I'm filled with inspiration, or that Spring just seems like a good time to press REFRESH.
Trust me though, I'm beginning to annoy myself with these blog changes, I know haha. I just haven't found my home yet! I have to feel it because I care about it that much!
When I developed this blog I just wanted To//Be someone but I didn't know who. Now that I've studied myself, I think I have a better idea of WHO I want To//Be and better yet, WHO//I//AM. <3
Please, if you're out there, stay tuned for what's next. I think I have some pretty cute and clever ideas up my sleeves ;) //
(p.s. by the way, this isn't the last blog post or anything. this is just me sorting out my thoughts and ideas for the next. i'll be back!)

Hey there, I've been slacking on blogging, I know this.
I've returned with, well, whatever this is! Haha. I've been experimenting with some color eye shadows that I've had but never used and came up with this pallet of magenta, violet, and burnt orange. But, although I'm giving bright colors a chance, I love nothing more than heavy dark make-up. For my nightTIME look I have a pallet of black, dark bronze, cream, and blush pink. Nude lips contrast beautifully with dark eyes. Also, it's a way to not look too "gawdy". Don't get me wrong though, I love my red lips here and there too ;).
In Felicia Renee news, I've enrolled in a 4-week Digital Photography Course! I start April 12th and end May 10th! I'm very much excited to finally learn certain settings and techniques for my camera and for once and for all be absolutely comfortable shooting everything and anything...anywhere! Also, I've recovered my Jasc Photoshop Software and have already installed into my laptop! Not the best photoshop software but I've been so familiar with it that it is easy for me to navigate and be creative (hence my little photo today). Leo and I are working on...PLANNING our apartment renovations. Things are getting done. I'm very much excited for the future!
Exhausted, see you tomorrow and goodnight//