I'm a mess. The air is so dry here in Colorado that I am seriously flaking away and it fucking sucks!
Anyways, I've been getting inspired by one who only started off as an innocent crush, Joseph Gordon-Levitt. I've come across his project hitRECord.Org and I think the idea is not only genius, but incredibly motivational!
[hitRECord.ORG is a project developed by JGL and has been running for 5 years. How it works, briefly, is that it is a art community. Everyone is encouraged by JGL to record anything they want and by record that means posting a picture, a sound clip, a video and even text. After your records are featured on the site than other users can take your records and make remixes of them, either by adding to them or editing them in any way possible. Highly recommended records are than showcased at Sundance film festivals by JGL which everyone who contributed to the final cut get to be acknowledged and compensated. Pretty neat!] It's truly refreshing and inspiring to see actors acting to ACT. Celebrity shmelebrity... doing things for fame is wack. And I do have to point out the difference of wanting to be famous and just wanting to be acknowledged.
Doing things for fame is selling your soul to the devil. Taking the short cuts instead of sucking it up and struggling a bit for what you enjoy and desire. Fame is having no shame- example would be "Jersey Shore". No explanation needed. The passion is lacking when you work for fame and for money. And if there is no passion, discipline, or evidence of hard work than what's the point of others giving you the time of day? What's there to learn and be inspired by you? Why keep up with you? Who cares really.
Wanting to be acknowledged means that you want your art form- say it be acting, singing, music, art, etc, to be appreciated, inspirational to others, and overall ENJOYABLE to not only yourself but the people who relate to it. Becoming successful and well known can translate into "Fame" but it will not be as paper-thin. There will be more depth to your story. It's with this that people look at you like an actual person, human-being as anyone else (and US Magazine's "They're Just Like US" columns are not what I'm talking about, at all haha).
What I'm saying is that seeing this project that JGL has developed really shows the everyday-person in this "celebrity"- RegularJoe as he prefers. Here is someone who has been in many successful motion pictures, short films, tv shows, and knows MANY people in the industry YET he wants to work with us. He's interested in what we've got and that there is enough to say, maybe he's right...maybe I'm holding something back that could be amazing and could catch the eyes of someone who can project it to others. It makes it more the obvious that nothing is impossible when you apply yourself and pursue pursue PURSUE. Simply "hit Record" and you just might create something BIG. It's pretty exciting to think about :)
So all in all, thank you RegularJoe for being real. You have really opened the eyes of many artists who, like hermit crabs, hid their talents and their artistic ventures out of fear and/or doubt. You've really made it easy for me to believe that it's not impossible.
Now I can say that I'm your fan for more reasons than just thinking you're a handsome fella. Can't wait to join hitRECord!! //