Autolux - Transit Transit (2010)

Huge HUGE Autolux fan! Feared for a minutw that there was not going to be a second (correct me if I'm wrong) album, but they sure came through. I was fortunate enough to see them perform this album at the Bluebird Theatre, but have yet to purchase it. Can't wait!
Interpol- Interpol (2010)

This album came out with no warning (to me atleast). Currently saving up for a ticket to their show on 25.10.2010. Hoping I won't miss out since this will be the first time I see them live.
Blonde Redhead - Penny Sparkle

Okay, so I maybe behind with this band. I know I know, I need to check out the album titled 23 before their most recent album, Penny Sparkle. Eh, there's nothing wrong with going out of order with good bands. :)
These albums are TO//BE heard.